Aerial Drone Game Element Kit 2024-2025
Aerial Drone Competition 2024-2025 Season Mission 2025: Gravity is officially taking flight. This season, we’re challenging you to master the forces of gravity as you navigate your drone through exciting teamwork, piloting, and autonomous flight missions. What is included in the Game Element Kit? The Game Element Kit for Mission 2025 includes pieces for both the Teamwork Field and the Skills Field Layout. For the Teamwork Field Layout you will use: 7 Drop Zones 7 Bean Bags 10 Balls For the Skills Field Layout you will use: 2 Solid Panels and Brackets 1 Fly Through Panel 3 Programming Mats 3 Color Mats Note: Each Game Element Kit has enough pieces to set up 1 Teamwork Mission Field and 1 Skills Missions Field.